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Caixa Rural de Callosa d'En Sarriá, Cooperativa de Crèdit Valenciana. Head office: Avenida Jaume I, 1. 03510 Callosa d'en Sarrià. telephone 965886064 , e-mail address servicioatencioncliente@grupocooperativocajamar.com
It is registered in the Alicante Mercantile Register, Hoja A-1985
It is registered in the General Register of Co-operatives Entities of the Community of Valencia with the code CV-34
Caixa Rural de Callosa d'En Sarriá, Cooperativa de Crèdit Valenciana is a Credit Co-operatives that it is subject to the oversight of the Bank of Spain with the classification number 3105.
Similarly, it is subject to the oversight of the Valencian Finance Institute.
CIF F-03042595
If you would like to contact us, you can do so by calling +34 950 21 01 91 or by e-mail:caixacallosa@grupocooperativocajamar.es.
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Caixacallosa takes no responsibility for the products, contents and services of other websites which may link to it, directly or indirectly, through the Caixacallosa website.
Caixacallosa reserves the right to modify, limit or cancel access to its website and the contents of the website when it deems fit, taking no responsibility for possible discrepancies which may arise between the printed version and electronic version of its documents.
Caixacallosa, unless authorised in writing, prohibits the reproduction, copy, use, distribution, sale or any activity which can be done with the contents of its website.
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