A straightforward, easy way to save using our VISA cards.
How does it work?
Every time you make a purchase or a cash withdrawal using your card, two transactions will take place.
-The amount of your purchase/cash withdrawal
-The amount you have chosen to assign to your electronic money bank
This additional amount will be credited to your chosen savings account. (Your electronic money bank)

Ways to save:
Fixed amount:
Each time you use the card, a fixed amount chosen by you will be deposited into your savings account
Round up to the nearest €1:
Each time you pay at the shops with your card, the difference between the purchase price and the next euro up will be credited to the designated account.
Here are 2 examples :
Fixed amount (having selected €1 for your savings)
You get out €40 at the ATM. In the account linked to your card you will see two movements, a €40 charge and a €1 charge. This euro will be credited to the account you indicated when you signed up for the service
Round up to the nearest €1:
You make a purchase for €41.25. In the account linked to your card you will see two movements, a €41.25 charge and a €0.75 charge. The latter will be credited to the account you indicated when you signed up for the service.