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Cajamar Seguros Generales privacy

About us

At CAJAMAR SEGUROS GENERALES we care about your privacy. Below are some of the details about how we process your personal data:

Who is responsible for processing your data?

CAJAMAR SEGUROS GENERALES, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, ("CAJAMAR SEGUROS GENERALES") with Registered Address: Calle Ciudad Financiera,1, 04131 - Almería (Spain). Email address: delegadoprotecciondatos@cajamarsegurosgenerales.es

What will we use your personal data for?

  • Processing your application and offering you the best insurance product in line with your requirements and needs, as well as assessing the risks associated with your application.
  • Managing, maintaining and overseeing any contractual relationship we have with you.
  • Preventing fraud and fulfilling our legal obligations.
  • Improving the quality of service offered by CAJAMAR SEGUROS GENERALES and evaluating your satisfaction.
  • Offering you products and services from CAJAMAR SEGUROS GENERALES.
  • Passing your details onto third parties only when required to do so in order to fulfil a legal obligation or to manage the contractual relationship.

Why do we use your personal details?

Your personal details will be processed according to the execution of a contract, the fulfilment of a legal obligation, the consent you have previously given us, CAJAMAR SEGUROS GENERALES' legitimate interest in processing said details, and the fulfilment of a mission that is in the public interest.

Who will your details be passed onto?

Never to third parties, unless we are required to do so in order to fulfil a legal obligation or to manage our contractual relationship with you.

What are your rights?

You may exercise your rights to access, rectify, suppress, limit or oppose the processing of your data, as well as the portability of your data, as detailed in the "Additional Information" section.

Would you like more information?

You can find additional detailed information about Data Protection according to the branch of insurance here


Exercise your rights:

Please be advised that, in accordance with current legislation, you have the right to exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, and opposition, as well as the right to limit the processing of your data and to data portability, by providing a form of identification (a copy of your ID card or equivalent document) at the following address: Cajamar Seguros Generales S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros, Plaza de Manuel Gómez-Moreno, 5 28020 Madrid, or to the following email address dataprotection@cajamarsegurosgenerales.es

You may obtain further information about your rights by contacting the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos), and you have the right to present a claim or complaint if you feel that your rights have not been upheld. The address of this Agency is: Calle Jorge Juan, 6, 28001, Madrid

Additional information about Data Protection:

Data Protection Delegate

The Data Protection Delegate is the person responsible for the protection of personal data within Grupo Generali in Spain, charged with ensuring data protection legislation compliance. If you feel that your personal data have not been processed in accordance with the relevant legislation, you can contact the Data Protection Delegate at the following email address: delegadoprotecciondatos@cajamarsegurosgenerales.es.

Changes and updates to the privacy notice

Considering the possible amendments of the applicable privacy laws, the company may update, in whole or in part, this privacy notice. Any changes or updates will be communicated in accordance with applicable laws.