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Accident Insurance

Make sure you’re protected in the event of an accident and feel completely secure.

Accident insurance that protects you and yours, wherever you are.

Silla ruedas

You are protected in the event of Disability, incapacity or convalescence.


Great cover, flexible, affordable and can be modified at any time


24h assistance from anywhere in the world.


Swift and simple claims procedure through our App.

Select your accident insurance

A modular insurance for people who work and an option for people under the age of 23 who are not working.

GENERAL MODULAR insurance for people who are working

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3
Compensation €50,000 €100,000 €150,000
Monthly income (5 years) €300 €600 €900
Permanent incapacity
Compensation €50,000 €100,000 €150,000
Monthly income (5 years) €600 €1,200 €1,800
Daily compensation €50 €75 €100
Daily compensation €25 €38 €50
Personal assistance Included Included Included

SPECIFIC MODULE for people under 23 who are not working

Module 1 Module 2 Module 3
Permanent incapacity
Compensation €50,000 €100,000 € 150,000
Monthly income (5 years) €900 €1,800 €2,700
Funeral costs €3,000 €3,000 €3,000

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GENERAL FLEXIBLE insurance for people who are working

Guarantees Cover
Death Capital sum
Heart attack or stroke Capital sum
From assault Capital sum x 150%
Traffic accident Capital sum x 200%
Both spouses in a traffic accident Capital sum x 200%
Heart attack or stroke Capital sum
Permanent incapacity
Accident Capital sum
Heart attack or stroke Capital sum
Severe incapacity Capital sum
From assault Capital sum x 150%
Traffic accident Capital sum x 200%
Both spouses in a traffic accident Capital sum x 200%
Temporary incapacity
Daily compensation € 30 / € 40 / € 50 / € 60
In approved centres Unlimited
In other centres € 1,200 /€ 3,000 / € 6,000
Hospitalisation allowance € 30 /€ 60 / € 90
Convalescence at home 50% of the allowance agreed
Cosmetic surgery
Resulting from a covered accident € 1,200 /€ 3,000 / € 6,000
Personal assistance
Included Included


Guarantees Cover
Death Funeral costs €3,000
Permanent incapacity
Accident Capital sum
Heart attack or stroke Capital sum
Major incapacity Capital sum
From assault Capital sum x 150%
Traffic accident Capital sum x 200%
Both spouses in a traffic accident Capital sum x 200%
Temporary incapacity
Daily compensation € 30 / € 40 / € 50 / € 60
In approved centres Unlimited
In other centres € 1,200 /€ 3,000 / € 6,000
Hospitalisation allowance € 30 /€ 60 / € 90
Convalescence at home 50% of the allowance agreed
Cosmetic surgery
Resulting from a covered accident € 1,200 /€ 3,000 / € 6,000
Personal assistance
Included Included

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Comprehensive digital insurance that offers cover for death, disability and personal assistance. Simple to take out.

Cajamar Online Cover. Limit of compensation for each cover

Guarantees Cover
First guarantee: Accidental death €30,000, €60,000 or €90,000, depending on the option chosen, set out in the Specific Terms and Conditions.
Second guarantee: Total and partial permanent disability resulting from an accident €30,000, €60,000 or €90,000, depending on the option chosen, set out in the Specific Terms and Conditions.
Third guarantee: Personal assistance Included

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Get a quote and take out your insurance today

From your Online Banking/Insurance or Cajamar Group App, fill in the details and apply.

Get a quote and take out insurance (in Spanish)

Promo Club Seguros

Save up to 30% * on your policies with our Insurance Club discounts

  • Pay monthly at no additional cost, 0% APR**
  • And up to 30% discount.

You can get up to 30% * discount the first year when you have 8 or more policies in place (at least one new one).
Take out insurance cover for your family (partner, spouse, children and parents) and spread the cost over affordable monthly payments**.

Go to the Insurance Club

Frequently Asked Questions about Accident Insurance.

Accident insurance covers you in the event of accidental injury, disability or death.

According to current legislation, an accident at work is any bodily injury suffered by the worker during or as a result of the work performed on behalf of others.

A personal accident is one that happens suddenly and cannot be foreseen, and which causes injury, disability or death to the insured party.

  • Accidental Death
  • Permanent Invalidity resulting from an Accident.
  • Hospitalisation or Convalescence resulting from an Accident.
  • Personal Assistance.

Life insurance covers death by any cause, while accident insurance only covers death in the event of an accident.

Find out about all our insurance products

and discover true peace of mind

Go to Cajamar Insurance

Manage all your insurance wherever you are from your App or Online Banking .

The Mis Seguros, facility allows you to access all the information about your insurance products through a user-friendly platform, from your phone or computer.

Access My Insurance (in Spanish)

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MIS SEGUROS | Todos tus seguros en la palma de tu mano (in Spanish)

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MIS SEGUROS | Solicitar asistencia en carretera (in Spanish)

Desde la Banca Electrónica y APP de Grupo Cajamar tienes acceso a MIS SEGUROS. Un lugar donde puedes acceder a toda la información de...

*Up to 30% discount on the net premium of each insurance policy, depending on the number of insurance products linked to the Club and with a maximum of 1,200 euros per club member/contract. To qualify for the discount, the net premium of each insurance policy must be greater than or equal to €150 per year(except retail insurance and greenhouse insurance with a minimum net premium of €350 and the health insurance with a minimum net premium of €550). The maximum discount of 30%* is available when you have 8 or more policies in place (at least one new one). The discount percentages will be as follows, No. of major policies Minimum premium - % Discount: 2 policies – 3% discount, 3 policies – 5% discount, 4 policies – 8% discount, 5 policies – 11% discount, 6 or 7 policies – 15% discount, 8 or more policies 30% discount. The Insurance Club may also include insurance policies with an annual net premium of less than €150/year. Although these will not count for the purposes of the discount, they would be included in the global amount to spread the cost interest free over affordable monthly payments. The discount on the current account linked to the Club will be applied at the time the policy (which qualifies for the discount) joins the Club. To qualify for the discount, the minimum contract will be 36 months. The following insurance policies qualify for the CLUB: Cajamar Home / Modular Home Insurance , Cajamar Life Insurance (Family / Elite), Cajamar Life Insurance Finance / Mortgage, Cajamar Annual Renewable Funeral Expenses Insurance, Cajamar Accident Insurance (Modular, Flexible, On-line), Cajamar Hunting and Fishing Insurance, Cajamar Modular Commerce Insurance, Car Insurance, Cajamar Income Protection Insurance, Cajamar Greenhouse Insurance, Cajamar Health Insurance. Taxation according to current legislation. Find out all about the "Insurance Club" and the terms of the contract at branches of Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, and at: www.grupocooperativocajamar.es. 0% finance deal, subject to the terms and risk concession conditions of the entity.

(**)Example of a customer who unifies their insurance: Vehicle Insurance €560/year, Home Insurance €225/year and Home Insurance €270/year. NIR 0,00%. APR 0,00% for an amount of €1,055.00 over a 12 month period, monthly instalment €87.92, final instalment € 87.88 and a total amount due of €1,055.00. Monthly instalments. Spot purchase price and total amount paid in instalments, both €1,055.00.

Accident Insurance provided by Cajamar Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. CIF.A-04653556 and other insurance products included in the insurance club provided by Generali Spain, S.A., de Seguros y Reaseguros, CIF-A28007268 and Cajamar Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. CIF. A-04465555. Brokered by Cajamar Mediación, Linked Bancassurance Operator, CIF B-04428223, Calle Ciudad Financiera, 1 04131 – Almería, entered in the Special Administrative Register of insurance brokers, reinsurance brokers and their senior executives, held by the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) with registration code OV0014. It has public liability insurance in accordance with art. 152, point 1(g) of Royal Decree-law 3/2020, of 4 February, regarding urgent measures. View the list of insurance providers that have an agency contract in place with the las aseguradoras with the Linked Bancassurance Operator. Read the terms and conditions of the Insurance Club(in Spanish) (PDF 760,46 KB.).