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Combifondo: Deposit + Investment Fund

Risk indicator for the deposit.

1 / 6

This number is indicative of the product risk, where 1/6 indicates lower risk, and 6/6 indicates greater risk.

Caixa Rural Sant Vicent Ferrer de La Vall d'Uixó, Coop. de Crèdit V. is a member of the Spanish Credit Entities Deposit Guarantee Fund. The maximum amount guaranteed actually by this Fund is 100,000 euros per depositor.

Early reimbursement, redemption, or refunding of part or all the principal sum invested is subject to fees or penalties.

Investment funds have their own risk indicator that could be higher.

There are things that work better together.


The formula that allows you to invest your savings by combining a fixed-term deposit with an investment fund.

Choose from these 2 combinations the one that best meets your needs.

Combination 1

50 %

50 %

AER for deposit from
2.00 %
2.25 % (1)

Combination 2

80 %

20 %

AER for deposit from
2.25 %
2.50 % (2)

Depending on how you distribute your savings and depending on the associated investment fund, you will get a different interest rate for your deposit.

View the list of Investment funds and associated interest rates in COMBIFONDO(in Spanish) (PDF 476,19 KB.)

Here is an example with a 50-50 combination (Combination 1)



365 days

Gross interest

2.00 %

2.00 %

Here is an example with an 80-20 combination (Combination 2)



365 days

Gross interest

2.50 %

2.50 %

This return corresponds only to the deposit, and the interest rate associated with the deposit depends on the fund it is combined with. View the list of funds and associated rates "list of funds"(in Spanish) (PDF 476,19 KB.). The performance of the fund will depend on market developments. The payment of interest will always be made when the deposit matures.

What should I bear in mind?

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The term of the deposit is 12 months

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    Minimum investment
  • Combination 50-50 Investment fund €3,000 - Deposit €3,000
  • Combination 80-20 Investment fund €12,000 - Deposit €3,000
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Investment of the funds will be subject to market fluctuations and other risks inherent in securities investments.

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The investment fund's time horizon may be greater than the deposit term.

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Automatic renewal of the deposit at maturity for a period of twelve months /strong> (with the possibility of choosing the option of non-renewal).

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Early cancellation of the deposit is permitted. In this case, the annual nominal interest rate will be 1.25% for the days that have elapsed prior to cancellation. Partial early cancellation of the deposit is not permitted.

How do I sign up for the Combifondo?

If you are a customer, you can sign up for the Combifondo in branch.

If you are not yet a customer, become an online customer in minutes.

Become a customer (in Spanish)

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icono grafico

(1) Representative example for a deposit of €3,000. NIR 2.00 % - AER 2.00 % for 12 months with liquidation at maturity (€60.00) Associated investment fund TREA CAJAMAR SHORT TERM FI with a constant share of €3,000 during the deposit liquidation period.

Representative example for a deposit of €3,000. NIR 2.25 % - AER 2.25 % for 12 months with liquidation at maturity (€67.50) Associated Investment Fund TREA CAJAMAR FLEXIBLE FI with a constant share of €3,000 during the deposit liquidation period .

(2) Representative example for a deposit of €4,000. NIR 2.25 % - AER 2.25 % for 12 months with liquidation at maturity (€90.00) Associated investment fund TREA CAJAMAR SHORT TERM FI with a constant share of €16,000 during the deposit liquidation period.

Representative example for a deposit of €4,000. NIR 2.50 % - AER 2.50 % for 12 months with liquidation at maturity (€100.00) Associated Investment Fund TREA CAJAMAR FLEXIBLE FI with a constant share of €16,000 during the deposit liquidation period .

Producer website www.tream.com. Read through the fund prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIID) through our online broker at www.grupocooperativocajamar.es or at any of our branches. In addition, you can view the prospectus for all CNMV funds and additional information from the managers and producers of the rest of the funds at www.grupocooperativocajamar.es/gestorasfondos.