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Reverse Factoring

It gets the trust of your suppliers


Administer payments to your suppliers simply and swiftly.


It simplifies the supplier payment system


It reduces your administrative tasks

mayor exito

More success in your commercial relations

One of the strengths in the relationship with your suppliers is their trust in your payments. Therefore, if you can ensure them that they are not going to have any problems with the payment of their invoices, they are going to appreciate you much more and may even offer you better conditions.

This is what we offer you with reverse factoring. It is a tool that frees you from all the administrative tasks related to payments to your suppliers, offering them the possibility of advancing these payments.

Advantages of reverse factoring


For your company

  1. It creates a loyal relationship with your suppliers offering them a source of liquidity in advantageous conditions
  2. It saves administrative and financial costs in the handling of documents
  3. You can pay suppliers in Spain and abroad
  4. It avoids incidents as a result of direct debits for bills
  5. It reinforces your image in the eyes of your suppliers

For suppliers

  1. Possibility of advancing 100% of the invoices pending collection easily and without having to present any type of documentation or be subject to any kind of prior study.
  2. Easy access to credit and immediate financing, regardless of their financial situation.
  3. Credit flexibility, making use of the advance only if it is needed.
  4. Advancing the payment eliminates the risk of default due to the insolvency or lack of liquidity of the company liable for payment, as the financial entity does not assume any liability for the notified and not advanced payment (Reverse factoring without Claim).
  5. Own debt capacity is not used.

How does it work?


Reverse factoring is the ideal solution for you and your suppliers, and it is very easy to use:

grafica funcionamiento confirming

Reverse factoring with an advance option


At Cajamar, we offer you the reverse factoring model with an Advance option.. In addition to administering the payment, suppliers are offered the option of advancing the amount of the confirmed invoices in exchange for the payment of a specified interest and commissions.

There are two types of "with advance" model, depending on who incurs the corresponding costs:

Supplier Costs

The financing costs for advance payment of the invoices are incurred by the supplier, who receives the nominal value less interest and commissions.

Debtor Costs

The financing costs for advancing the invoices are incurred by the company (transferor), whereby it is necessary to have the money available in the account associated to the operation to debit the financing costs and issue the corresponding transfer.

When the Entity advances the payment to your supplier, the collection is fully insured. Thus improving the trust of your suppliers