We have comprehensive Health Insurance where you will be guaranteed to receive medical, surgical and hospital care in the event of illness or accident, both for you and your family.
Access the biggest medical team in the country, more than 51,000 professionals
Insurance provided by Generali. The best health insurance according to OCU (Consumer and User Organisation)
My Insurance Portal . It’s so quick and easy to manage your insurance through our App and Online Banking..
Access to all health facilities affiliated to Generali.
Unlimited access to all medical facilities affiliated to Generali and reimbursement of up to 150,000 euros per year.
Sign into Online Banking, fill in the required information and apply.
Get a quote and take out insurance (in Spanish)You can get up to 30%* discount during the first year when you have 8 or more policies in place (at least one new one).
Take out insurance cover for your family (partner, spouse, children, and parents) and pay in affordable monthly instalments**.
TheMis Seguros , facility allows you to access all the information about your insurance products through a user-friendly platform, from your phone or computer.
(in Spanish)*Up to 30% discount on the net premium of each insurance policy, depending on the number of insurance products linked to the Club and with a maximum of 1,200 euros per club member/contract. To qualify for the discount, the net premium of each insurance policy must be at least €150 per year (except retail insurance and greenhouse insurance with a minimum net premium of €350, and health insurance with a net minimum premium of €550). The maximum discount of 30%* is available when you have 8 or more policies in place (at least one new one). The discount percentages will be as follows, No. of major policies Minimum premium - % Discount: 2 policies – 3% discount, 3 policies – 5% discount, 4 policies – 8% discount, 5 policies – 11% discount, 6 or 7 policies – 15% discount, 8 or more policies 30% discount. The Insurance Club may also include insurance policies with an annual net premium of less than €150/year. Although these will not count for the purposes of the discount, they would be included in the global amount to spread the cost interest free over affordable monthly payments. The discount on the current account linked to the Club will be applied at the time the policy (which qualifies for the discount) joins the Club. To qualify for the discount, the minimum contract will be 36 months. The following insurance policies qualify for the CLUB: Cajamar Home / Modular Home Insurance , Cajamar Life Insurance (Family / Elite), Cajamar Life Insurance Finance / Mortgage, Cajamar Annual Renewable Funeral Expenses Insurance, Cajamar Accident Insurance (Modular, Flexible, On-line), Cajamar Hunting and Fishing Insurance, Cajamar Modular Retail Insurance, Car Insurance, Cajamar Income Protection Insurance, Cajamar Greenhouse Insurance. Taxation according to current legislation. Find out all about the "Insurance Club" and the terms of the contract at branches of Grupo Cooperativo Cajamar, and at: www.grupocooperativocajamar.es. 0% finance deal, subject to our terms and conditions on risk concession.
(**)Example of a customer who unifies their insurance: Vehicle Insurance €560/year, Home Insurance €225/year and Home Insurance €270/year. NIR 0,00%. APR 0,00% for an amount of €1,055.00 over a 12 month period, monthly instalment €87.92, final instalment €87.88 and a total amount due of €1,055.00. Monthly instalments. Spot purchase price and total amount paid in instalments, both €1,055.00.
Health Insurance provided by Generali España, S.A., de Seguros y Reaseguros, CIF-A28007268. Other insurance products included in the club are provided by Cajamar Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. CIF. A-04465555 and Cajamar Seguros Generales, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros. CIF.A-04653556. Brokered by Cajamar Mediación,Operador de Banca-Seguros Vinculado, S.L.U., CIF B-04428223, Calle Ciudad Financiera, 1, 04131 - Almería, entered in the Special Administrative Register of insurance brokers, reinsurance brokers and their senior executives, held by the Directorate General of Insurance and Pension Funds (DGSFP) with registration code OV0014. It has public liability insurance in place in accordance with art. 152, point 1(g) of Royal Decree-Law 3/2020, of 4 February, regarding urgent measures. Go to to see the full list of Insurance companies that have an agency contract in place with the Linked Bancassurance Operator. . Read the terms and conditions of the Insurance Club(in Spanish) (PDF 760,46 KB.).